The stained armpits of your shirts

The wetness dripping down the sides of your body

The anxious sweats

The ‘several times a day’ t-shirt changes…..


You could be a sufferer or know someone who is; regardless of which one you are, you might be aware of how excessive sweating can be both embarrassing and a burden on one’s lifestyle.

The condition is medically known as Hyperhidrosis and can be treated effectively with Botulinum Type A. Yeah, that’s right, BOTOX® or Dysport®!!!! Now, I know what you’re thinking — these products are used to get rid of wrinkles, right?! This is indeed true, but Botulinum Type A was used widely in the medical world well before the accidental discovering of its use as a wrinkle reducer.

So how does Botulinum Type A stop you from sweating? Well, it temporarily stops the conduction of nerve signals between the nerve and sweat gland in the treated area, thus inhibiting the production of sweat. As in all ‘neuromodulation’ treatments, after several months the nerve pathways regenerate; therefore, the treatment has to be repeated.

After the consultation and preparation process, the treatment takes only 15 to 20 minutes with a series of small injections into the ‘high sweat’ region. The treatment is more uncomfortable than painful, but we won’t lie — there is the odd sting or two! There is no downtime post treatment and you should notice a significant reduction in excessive sweating in the treated area within two weeks. The impact might catch you unawares when one day you realise that, for once, YOUR ARMPITS ARE DRY!!! HURRAY!!!

Results do vary, yet most people report up to an 80% reduction in perspiration that lasts six to eight months.

The most common Hyperhidrosis area treated is the underarm zone but treatment can also be administered to the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands. The latter treatment areas can be painful but the procedure is performed quickly and great care is taken to minimise discomfort.

Botulinum Type A treatment for this nuisance of a condition has been tried and tested for many years and it is safe to say that the successful outcomes have an extremely positive impact on one’s life. It’s an absolute game changer.





Save $500!

– Consultation with Nurse Kaylie Harrison
– Full Hyperhidrosis Treatment Session (using Botulinum Type A)
– Offer available for your 1st treatment session only
– Subject to suitability to treatment



[Botulinum Type A treatment for excessive sweating requires larger doses than an anti-wrinkle treatment.  By booking in for a complimentary consult with our clinician you will informed of the cost and skin preparations required prior to treatment for excessive sweating].



BOTOX® and DYSPORT® are Prescription Medicines containing 100 units of clostridium botulinum Type A toxin complex for injection. They are used for the treatment of severe frown lines of the face. They should be administered only by trained medical professionals. Botox and Dysport have risks and benefits. Talk to your specialist about the benefits/risks of this procedure in appearance medicine. Cautions: people with defective neuromuscular transmission disorders, presence of infection at site of injection, glaucoma, pregnancy and lactation.
Possible side effects include headaches, pain, burning or redness at injection site, local muscle weakness including drooping eyelids, lack of feeling and nausea. If you have side effects or concerns speak to your doctor. A charge applies. Note Botox and Dysport treatment lasts about 4 months and after this time further courses of treatment could be necessary. Speak to your medical practitioner about your own situation. For more information read the Consumer Medicine Information for these products available at
