This 200 unit Dysport is the perfect way to dip your toe in injectables, to get a sense of how much or how often you need it, or simply looking for an easy-does-it anti-wrinkle sprinkle*.
Payment Options**
1) $1300 upfront
2) $49.40/wk for 22 weeks (with 20% deposit $260 at first session) using our Payment Plan option.
*A full years worth of treatments is based on average use. Unit usage/quantities can vary from person to person.
**Must purchase in clinic
Level 1 Trenzseater Building,
313 Hawthorne Drive
Frankton, Queenstown, 9300
(Parking off Muritai Place)
03 428 0052
Level 1, 38 Windsor St,
03 422 1570
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